Thursday 31 December 2009

Seat of Emptiness

The Seat of Emptiness refers to the wisdom that understands the essential nature of all things and to a state of infinite flexibility as vast as the sky. Daisaku Ikeda

1 comment:

  1. For Buddhists, the most fundamental practice is to ceaselessly observe our own minds, elevate our goals and thereby raise our life condition. We believe that the principles and energy needed for self improvement are to be found within ourselves.
    The goal of Buddhist practice is to activate and strengthen these innate qualities and enable every individual to lead a life worthy of humanity.
    The Lotus Sutra explains the three characteristics of the bodhisattva as the Robe of Forbearance, the Seat of Emptiness, and the Room of Compassion.
    The Robe of Forbearance stands for the unyielding determination to challenge and endure all hardships courageously.
    The Seat of Emptiness refers to the wisdom that understands the essential nature of all things and to a state of infinite flexibility as vast as the sky.
    The Room of Compassion means a caring and empathetic attitude toward all ppeople and the desire to find happiness with them.
    Daisaku Ikeda...ON BEING HUMAN 197-198.


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